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Reference material

Reference material - reference substances intended for quality control of analysis and / or calibration of analytical instruments.

Reference material is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the standard EN ISO 17034 "General requirements for the competence of reference material producers".

One set of milk reference material samples (according to planned delivery schedule) includes 10 different samples for milk fat, protein, lactose and dry matter (basic chemical composition), respectively 5 samples for somatic cell count and 5 samples for freezing point value. We can also provide a separate set of 5 or 10 urea samples in cow's milk and 5 urea samples in goat's and sheep's milk.

The reference material of cheese, cream, yogurt and butter can be ordered in the form of single samples or sets of samples (2 to 5 samples) according to the planned delivery schedule. Samples can also be delivered outside the schedule at customer request.

Reference material can be ordered in the form of an annual order or at least 7 days before scheduled delivery, by sending an order to rlm@agr.hr. The order must include: company name, business address and VAT number, contact person's name, method of delivery/transport (personal pickup or delivery by express mail), DHL number (if delivery is made by express mail).

Handling of reference material

The handling of the reference material must be carried out in accordance with the instructions accompanying the consignment.
Storing of PT samples
• - The samples must be stored according to the instructions (in the refrigerator: 6°C ± 2 ° C or in the freezer: -20 ° ± 2 ° C).

Transport of reference material

Reference material can be taken by users in the RL and transported by hand refrigerators with ice cartridges, or delivered to users by express mail in appropriate packaging (cardboard boxes or styrofoam boxes) with ice cartridges.

Delivery schedule of reference material in 2025

Cow milk Goat milk Sheep milk
15. - 16. January (1) - -
12. - 13. February (1) 27. - 28. February (2) -
05. - 06. March (1) 19. - 20. March (2) 26. – 27. March (2)
03. - 04. April (1) 10. - 11. April (2) 17. - 18. April (2)
07. - 08. May (1) 14. - 15. May (2) 21. - 22. May (2)
04. - 05. June (1) 11. - 12. June (2) 25. - 26. June (1)
02. - 03. July (1) 09. - 10. July (2) 16. - 17. July (2)
20. - 21. August (1) 21. – 22. August (2) 27. - 28. August (2)
10. - 11. September (1) 17. - 18. September (2) 24. - 25. September (2)
08. - 09. October (1) 15. - 16. October (1) -
12. - 13. November (1) 05. - 06. November (2) -
10. - 11. December (1) - -

Pasteurised milkSterilised milkCheese, Cream, Yoghurt, Butter
23. - 24. January (3) 05. - 06. February (3) 20. - 21. February (4)
28. - 29. May (3) 17. - 18. June (3) 26. - 27. November (4) (+butter)
22. - 23. October (3) 03. - 04. December (2)  

basic chemical composition of milk: milk fat, protein, lactose, dry matter
(1) basic chemical composition, somatic cell count, freezing point, urea
(2) basic chemical composition, urea
(3) basic chemical composition
(4) cheese: milk fat, protein, dry matter, pH, NaCl;
     cream: milk fat, protein, dry matter
     yogurt: milk fat, protein, dry matter, pH, lactic acid
     butter: milk fat, solids-non-fat, water

