Senior expert associate
Department of Dairy Science
Pavilion 2nd, 1st floor
tel: +385 01 239 3904
e-mail: bradeljevic@agr.hr
Undergraduate study
Laboratory technology
Graduate study
Chemistry and physics of milk
Research interests
Analytics in dairy
Academic qualifications
2007 – Graduate work
University of Zagreb – Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, course: Nutritionism
Dietary habits and diet quality in students according to satisfaction with body weight.
Work expirience
July, 2008 - now
University of Zagreb – Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Dairy Science, Reference Laboratory for Milk and Dairy Products
2010 - now, “Characterisation and tracking the origin of specific characteristics of traditional cheeses in Western Balkans Region”. SEE-ERA.NET. European Community's Programme for International Cooperation. Jasmina Havranek, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb.
2012 – “Quality control of cheeses on the market in order to increase competitiveness”, Ministry of Agriculture (VIP). Jasmina Havranek, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture.
Scientific and professional papers
Radeljević, B., Mikulec, N., Zamberlin, Š., Horvat, I., Maletić, M., Antunac, N. (2011) The influence of sample preservation and freezing of cow's, goat's and ewe's milk on the freezing point value. Milchwissenschaft - Milk Science International. (accepted for publication)
Antunac, N., Hudik, S., Mikulec, N., Maletić, M., Horvat, I., Radeljević, B., Havranek, J. (2011) Production and chemical composition of Istria and Pag whey cheese. Mljekarstvo. 61(4), 326-335.